Social Impulse Academy

Impulse Your Community

Where business ideas get an impulse!

The Social Impulse Academy offers regular workshops, networking events, team challenges and social hackathons, which will not only ground the participants with the necessary knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship, but will also help keeping the spirits up and the schedules busy.

Following the principle “learning by doing”, the face-to-face trainings will be based on the business ideas of the participants. Combined with individual coaching, the Social Impulse Academy programme will be a unique opportunity to kick-start their own social-oriented business in Thuringia.
Throughout the courses the participants will receive workshops on topics like ideation, how to start a business, marketing, funding, intercultural training and many more. Supported by coaches and experts the participants will develop their own business ideas and present them at the end of the course. At the final stage the ready to be launched business ideas will be presented to the public.


Divided into phases, the program foremost aims at creating a community of entrepreneurs.

Course Calendar

Check the activities that we plan for you.

Our Team

Meet the people behind the Academy idea.

Juliane Döschner

Program Manager/Coach

Zafar Saydaliev

Program Manager/Trainer

Maryna Bykova

Community & Activities Manager/Communication

Ilze Polakova

Hub Manager

Ammalia Podlaszewska


Natalia Gonzalez

Project Asistant

Steffen Präger


Martin Arnold-Schaarschmidt


Sonja Schwenkglenks


Job Opportunities

Join team to contribute to the Social Entrepreneurship in Thuringia.

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Key Stakeholders

The local actors, we are cooperating with.

Recent Activities

What has been going on in the Hub.